Three Steps To Brighter Mornings

September 15, 2019 / MIND

Not everyone’s a morning person, and even if you are, mornings can sometimes seem harrowing… especially if you have kids and have to manage their routines as well.

But as hectic as mornings can feel, they can be quite powerful as well. Just think back to the last time you had a really amazing start to the day; it’s almost as though it triggers a ripple effect through the rest of your day that leads to lots of other amazing things.

Unfortunately, I think we can all agree that the same is true of chaotic mornings, that tend to lead to other chaos throughout the course of the day. If you can minimize the chaos and increased the positivity as the beginning of each day, then that ultimately means many more good days, and a better quality of life overall!

It doesn’t have to be hard, either. Here are three easy ways to brighten up your mornings!


One of the main reasons mornings can sometimes feel stressful is that there’s a lot happening at once. You’re trying to get ready, have breakfast on the table, get kids ready for school- it’s a lot, and it feels like even more when you’re still trying to wake up.

The solution? Set your alarm for at least half an hour earlier than usual. This works even better if you manage to wake up before the rest of your family does. Use that extra time to start your day how you want, instead of jumping right into all the things that need to get done.

Take a few minutes to fully wake up, sit on your own and drink your tea or coffee, or do whatever will help you enjoy the peacefulness of that time. That way, by the time everyone wakes up and things get started, you’ve already had some quiet time to yourself, which does wonders for feeling more prepared and energized for the rest of your day.


One thing I absolutely love doing as soon as I wake up is doing a little check-in with myself, and then setting some intentions.

While I’m having my morning tea, I think about how I woke up feeling, the first thought I had once my opened my eyes, and what’s on my mind. Then I like to see how I can channel those things into intentions for my day.

For example, if I woke up feeling anxious about all the things I have to get done that day, then I might spend a few minutes mentally prioritizing and organizing tasks, and then set an intention that I’m going to focus on each thing as it comes before me, and move through my day with ease, and without letting my mind wander or create unnecessary stress.

Beginning the day with a well thought-out intention can give you such a sense of purpose and positivity that carries through the rest of the day, and makes everything seem much more manageable. Plus, you get a chance to really connect with yourself before you have to turn your focus to all the other things in your life that you’re responsible for.


Even if you can’t fit in a whole workout in the morning, try and spend even 10 minutes doing something. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a quick walk, or just some stretching; getting some kind of movement into your morning can have an unbelievable impact on your day.

If this sounds like a challenging proposition, make it easier on yourself by putting a yoga mat in your bedroom. Wake up, pull out your mat, and do a little stretching, even if it’s in your pajamas.

It’ll do wonders for helping you feel more alert and focused, get your circulation going, and, most importantly, will put you into a productive mindset before you’ve even had breakfast.


Admittedly, it does take a little bit of planning to create a little extra room in the beginning of your day, but think of it as an investment in your own happiness, sense of balance, and the balance your can impart into those around you as well over the course of each day!

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